Barack Obama...tries on President's shoes on Capitol Hill. Hillary slides into oblivion.

According to Associated Press, when Barack Obama appeared on Capitol Hill Thursday, a band of hasty "super delegates" warmly shook his hand, slapped him on the back, and addressed him reverently as - "Mr. President".

Guess he was trying on the head honcho's shoes for size. Something tells me they were a tight fit!

For many, the occasion was not unlike a scene from a futuristic movie. After trouncing Hillary Clinton in recent weeks, I guess the future is "now".

Obama, I'll sell that slogan to 'ya cheap!

Meanwhile, Hillary is schlepping around the Nation, getting used to the idea of being just plain old Mrs. Clinton, once again.

No salutes in her future, no Air Force One, nada!

After twenty years of on-the-fence no-brain policies like - "Don't Ask, Don't tell" - titillating sex scandals, financial shenanigans, needless imperialistic wars - wherein "evil-doers" have held sway over this great Nation for no good reason as a consequence - looks like America is finally going to be heading down a fresh path, minus a Bush and a Clinton or two.

Hail to the Chief!

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