Today, there wasn't any crew tagging along, so - in essence - Tane McClure (daughter of beloved screen idol Doug McClure) was chief cook and bottle-washer today, so-to-speak.
With expert skill, she set up the tripod for the camera, adjusted a couple of gizmos - just so - then gingerly slipped in front of the lens with a mic in hand and took on the role of on-camera news reporter, as well.
Ms. McClure was a joy to observe.
After establishing the footage she needed for a wide shot, she quickly took the state-of-the-art camera in hand, and finished up with coverage she'd need later in the editing bay. With a practical skill like that under her trendy belt, cost-conscious producers will be seeking her out, no doubt!
The charismatic young lady put aside her work for a few minutes to chat with me about her new project, "The Tane McClure Show".
In fact, when I expressed my interest in the project - which takes an insightful foray - "behind-the-scenes" - in Hollywood, Ms. McClure treated me to a sneak preview of a DVD copy of the first segment by simply plopping the disc into her PC right there on the couch in the lobby!
Clearly, Ms. McClure has a nose for news - and a flair for hosting - because the footage I screened was top-notch and engaging in every respect.
Although Tane has no formal training in filmmaking - or even editing - the imaginative dynamo managed to craft a visually-stunning piece of work that resonated below the surface with a lot of spark and sizzling entertainment value, as well.
"My Dad wanted to go into production, but then he passed away. I guess I was meant to carry on."
Others in high places obviously think so, too.
According to Tane, Time-Warner wants to give the innovative new offering a big push.
Judging by what I saw unfold before my eyes on the tiny screen - once her career is fully launched - there will obviously be no looking back.
Congrats on the new entertainment entry, Tane!
To keep abreast of what will undoubtedly be Tane's meteoric rise to fame and fortune in the biz, simply surf to: