I hadn't heard from presidential hopeful - JOHN EDWARDS - since he bowed out of the race, so when a lone e-mail popped up in my inbox, I clicked it open to take a gander at what he was up to.
Of course - the big news splashed over all the newspapers around the Nation this morning - was John's announcement that he's backing Barack Obama in his quest for President. And, confirmation that Barack signed on to Edwards' anti-poverty initiative which Edwards launched yesterday with the goal of reducing poverty in the United States by half within the next ten years.
But, I didn't notice any reports on John's - "College for Everyone" - project; a scholarship pilot project started up by he and Elizabeth a few years ago in Greene County, North Carolina - the subject matter of his communication to me.
As Edwards notes in his e-mail,
"The (College for Everyone) program is based on a simple promise to students: make good grades, work at least 10 hours a week, and stay out of trouble - and the program will help pay for your first year of college."
Since the project was first launched in 2005, the percentage of Greene County high school graduates attending college has increased from fifty-four percent to seventy-four percent, according to the Edwards' team.
Current up-to-date records also reflect that one hundred and sixty-five high school seniors in Greene County are set to graduate in May and that ninety-four percent have been accepted into N.C. colleges and universities.
For John and Elizabeth, the previous numbers were heartbreaking.
"Every parent wants to give their child the opportunity that comes with a college education. But for too many American families, the dream of a college degree was just that - a dream."
John and Elizabeth are now asking for financial support from Americans around the country to help make the dream of a college education a reality for some hard-working students in rural Greene County, for starters.
Donors may make tax-deductible donations of - $10, $25, or $50 - to bring the Edwards' project one step closer to a realistic goal of a high-quality "College Education for everyone".
"By contributing now," notes Edwards, "You will help fulfill the college dreams of deserving students in Greene County and show the world that if we work together on big and important issues, change is possible."
On the heels of all this news overnight, it strikes me that it is wholly possible that John Edwards may make an excellent running mate for Barack Obama in a bid for Vice President of the United States.
Don't 'ya think?