Dennis gut! "Smart people", say it ain't so.

"Smart People" started screening at the cheap movie house (Regency Theatre) so I sauntered in the other afternoon to take a gander at Dennis Quaid's latest offering.

In this intelligent comedy, Quaid schleps about the scenes with a noticeable slouch in his posture and a nasty beer gut up front, signaling a middle-age decline in the male Greek form.

Say it ain't so!

I wonder, did the recent father of twins pack on the pounds - like fellow method actors Leto and Bale - to lend an authentic air to his role? Or, is the paunch just a handful of artfully placed stuffin' to effect the image of an aging Lothario past his prime?

Either way, a lot of women (and men) wouldn't kick the handsome thespian out of bed for eating crackers!

Quaid had the best abs in the business - cut, rippled - crafted in marbled flesh.

Just screen "The Big Easy"; he'll take your breath away.

A lean, mean, manly machine!

In searching for a photo for this post, I was quite surprised to stumble across a full frontal nude of Dennis with a roaring hard-**.

Say it's so, Dennis!

Viagra, what's that?

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