Charlton Heston...wrong! Moses didn't come "face to face" with God!

Heston as Moses...

Sacred Mount Sinai

In the morning LA TIMES one day, a reporter noted that a blogger happened across an old interview with Charlton Heston, in which the actor reminisced about playing the role of Moses in the feature film version of "The Ten Commandments".

On that occasion - "Chuck" - recalled what an overwhelming experience it was to stand where the biblical figure once stood on Sacred Mount Sinai and fathom the importance of the encounter with the almighty, God.

Heston noted that studio head - Cecil B. DeMille - gave him a raft of material to peruse to familiarize himself with the spiritual leader's historical background to facilitate in preparing for the big-budget production.

Obviously, the Hollywood maverick never bothered to read the scriptures; if he had, the star would have known that contrary to his belief, Moses did not - as he alleged - come 'face to face' with God.

In fact, the scriptures are quite emphatic about that.

On Mount Sinai, God cautioned Moses that he could not peer into his face.

Then, the Lord proceeded to instruct the prophet to stand behind a rock.

"When I pass by, you'll be able to see my back," God purportedly said.

Yeah, no cigar!

On the other hand, it is wholly possible to gaze into the face of the Holy Spirit.

Last year, as I was tossing and turning in my bed one night - in-between the heightened levels of a trance state and waking consciousness - I witnessed a Divine white light descending upon me.

Although the "vision" appeared to be "in the distance" - curiously - the phenomenon also gave the impression of being within touching distance directly above my bed.

The three entities that hovered over me did not have any facial features to speak of - or flesh tones - or that matter.

In essence, they were imbued of light, without much physical character or distinction.

What awed me most was a thin band of dazzling white light which edged each entity.

Suddenly, one of the light beings gestured towards my heart, and telepathically communicated to profound message to me.

"This is your soul."

In response - though paralyzed somewhat by the vision - I attempted to ask a question.

Suddenly, the entities vanished into thin air.

The next day, I was guided to go into a bookstore on Santa Monica Boulevard, for some inexplicable reason.

As I sorted through the various tomes on the dusty shelves, I happened across a pristine copy of a book on Religious symbols.

As I thumbed through the fascinating subject matter, I was astounded to stumble across an entry which described the images I'd witnessed to a "T".

The authors noted that the image in question represented the "Trinity" or the Holy Ghost.

A shiver went up and down my spine as I digested the thought.

And then, there was a surge of joy, as a perfect calm settled deep within me.

Not only is there a God, and a Holy spirit, but a place for me in eternity!

The Holy Spirit protects...

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