Fan gets physical...PDA ban lifted for a sec!

Old-fashioned Courtship preferred...

Last night I slipped into The Abbey for about thirty minutes to check out the scene.

After all, the trendy watering hole on Robertson in West Hollywood is quite the social whirl around 6 p.m. on Sunday evenings.

Good-looking, fashionably-attired patrons are inclined to sip on exotic cocktails, engage in a little cruising, and occasionally shake their booty a bit when an upbeat popular hit strikes up over the powerful loud speakers strategically placed around the artfully-decorated bar.

After chatting up a handful of acquaintances, I sauntered out into the street, homeward bound.

To stay in shape, I usually stroll around the pristine neighborhood on foot - rather than hop in my wheels. After all, burning a few calories here and there, keeps my lean bod in shape!

As I headed up Santa Monica Boulevard, I suddenly spied two handsome young men making a beeline for me.

Or, was it my imagination?

I half-expected that when they neared my position on the sidewalk - that they would skirt to one side - and let me pass. Surprise! Instead, the duo strutted right towards me, and summarily, blocked my path!

Was I going to finally have the opportunity to try out my Karate on real live subjects, at long last?

Finally, when one of the dudes got about "this-close" in my face, his eyes went wide as he stared into my eyes and gushed -

"I want a hug!"

Well, in my youth, public displays of affection (PDA's) were greatly scorned upon. But, what the heck, I was in a good mood.

A fan is a fan, right?

Needless to say, at the back of my mind, I thought the request odd in the bright light of day!

As we hugged for a sec, his friend chimed in, "He wants 'ya".

Sorry, dude! A lone hug would have to suffice.

After all, I'm one of those old-fashioned types.

I prefer to be wined and dined a bit before I'm inclined to jump in the hay!

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