Well, the "Donald" trumped my wildest expectations this week on the NBC reality show - "The Apprentice" - by virtue of a charitable decision he rendered in the boardroom.
For the first time ever, the "boss" was reluctant to level his bushy eyebrows, point a liver-warted finger at an aspiring exec, and snarl - "You're fired!"
We wuz robbed, too!
And one lucky devil escaped the axe.
But, I sort-of saw it comin'; couldn't blame the mercurial entrepreneur for his surprising change of heart, one bit!
The whole sorry scenario started when a couple of team members started sluggin' it out early on in last week's segment.
"Touch me and I'll punch you," hissed a young African-American female contestant to the project manager (rather a fuss-budget himself) just shortly on the heels of "firing her a**.
And, when the naughty nitty spat out derogatory remarks about her rival - and dragged his kids into the fray, wouldn't 'ya know it - the Brit was truly "hot to trot".
Quite a shameless boob-tube moment, even as far as reality TV shows go.
Out on the public turf - the two hurled biting insults at each other - as a throng of startled tourists and other hangers-on watched from the sidelines perplexed and choking on disbelief.
In fact, the incident caused a prize fighter - also competing for the big charity bucks on Trump's titillating show - to utter in disgust,
"She was nasty. That was ghetto stuff."
In the boardroom, when asked to recall the day's events, the project manager at the center of the dispute let into the sulking woman.
"She's low-life trash," he lamented adamantly.
From there, the sh** spiraled downhill fast!
Surely the "Donald" must have peeked at the reels of footage shot earlier in the day at Central Park?
If so, what a poker face he wears as a mask to the world!
Unfortunately, bad behavin' aside, Trump was forced to take a look at the tally sheets first (from the day's challenge) before rendering a decision about who to fire off the show.
As fate would have it, the spastic troubled apprentice ship scored so high, Trump was forced to pass on firing a "rotten to-the-core" person who warranted a reprisal from the big honcho in the Executive Suite.
So, the kingpin of high finance in control of his own monopoly empire, was faced with a difficult task.
How to fire an individual from a team when all of its members had been respectful of each other? Why, the gang even steered away from the usual bad-mouthing and the cutting-of throats that is generally requisite game-play on the Apprentice.
They don't say - "nice guys finish last" - for no good reason!
In fact, when given the opportunity to save their own skins, no one on the motley crew dared point an accusing finger at a fellow task master, either.
Indeed, no one was inclined to sink this shiperoonie, mate!
When each was offered a simple solution - the opportunity to resign, for instance - and avoid unpleasantness with little ado, all held fast.
It was nay on all fronts. Each stuck to his or her gun.
All for one and one for all!
The world stood still for a moment for the irascible Mr. Trump.
Suddenly, and without warning, he softly informed the anxious team,
"No one is getting fired tonight."
Yeah, the Corporate world shuddered for a moment or two.
Then it was business, as usual. See 'ya next week!
You know, I used to think Mr. Trump was a real jacka**. And, I've never been a fan of his "do", either.
No more!
In one shining moment - by virtue of one charitable act - the man displayed remarkable wisdom, humanity, and compassion at the drop of a hat.
Good on you, Mr. Trump.
Now, if you could just fathom a way to overhaul a couple of those gaudy, over-decorated Hotels you own...