How a person acts under stress is not only a test of their mettle, but a good indicator of their character...
In the past week, it's been painfully obvious that wily Hillary has been on the edge, ready to topple over into oblivion.
Or, at a minimum, about to become a National Joke.
Her overall flip-flopping - from screechy emotional highs to dark sultry lows - has been negatively impacting the voters, too, no doubt. No wonder!
One starry night, the lagging Democratic candidate gushed that it was an honor to be in the race with Obama (surely she wasn't referring to the human race, was she?).
But, on the heels of that curious truce, there was an about-face. Yup, a day or two later, Bill's better half was flailing her arms about wildly and screaming like a banshee in heat. Uh-huh, Hillary's angst revved into high gear, when she stumbled across a flyer on Health Care, Obama had the audacity to breathe life into.
If that wasn't startling enough, a few surreal hours later, the Senator was traipsing about a wide stage wild-eyed at a rally, embracing the heavens, and mocking the coming of America's new Messiah.
That Dem Dame is sure losing her grip.
Hillary has pranced, writhed - literally clawed her way - in a bold-faced effort to stake her claim on the nomination; all-the-while, tryin' to fathom a way to overcome the swelling momentum of the Golden Boy from the wrong side of the tracks.
Was the color bar on the TV screen screwing up the other night, or was Senator Clinton literally turning "blue" in the face at her latest dis-organized rally?
No matter.
Why, Obama's turning into a regular Teflon Dem; after all, none of the sh** she's been hurling at the wall has managed to stick or even impact much.
Ironically, her curious conduct has landed her in deep doo-doo, too.
"Let's talk about the issues," she has cried out ad nauseam on the campaign trail, with bitterness seething deep within the cockles of her soul.
But, what has she done in reality?
Of course, the frustrated delegate monster, has meandered the other way.
Like at last night's debate, for example.
Throwing caution to the wind, she ventured off precariously on a tangent about Saturday Night Live skits; then, wondered aloud - deadpan to a stunned audience - if someone might rustle up a pillow for poor Obama.
Why, so he can snuff the life out of her?
Or, maybe she'll toss in the towel, at long last...
Hopefully, there are just a couple of rounds left in 'er, for the voters' sake.
Oh, she'll "go down", alright.
Otherwise, the Democrats will have to haul her off the campaign trail, kickin' and screamin'...right into a straight jacket, eh?
As they say at the end of a Looney Tune,
"That's all folks!"