Yup, I'm a big fan of Daniel Day Lewis.
Was pulling for the charismatic thespian to win the coveted Golden Statuette, too.
Fine actor...skilled, competent.
At the drop of a hat, it's easy to snatch a superlative from the great beyond to describe the guy's talent, wouldn't you agree?
But, I was a little taken aback by the actor's backstage behavior at the Oscar extravaganza, last Sunday eve.
When a member of the media innocently asked what he did in his spare time, he lashed out at the reporter,
"None of your f***ing business..."
Granted, he ended the surprising little hissy fit with a wicked little smile - as if to say - just kidding, fella!
Nonetheless, he gave the impression of being such a temperamental "Queen".
Until this incident, I was under the impression from screenings of his work, that he was all "man", through and through.
Obviously, not. But, it's a testament to his work that he's managed to pull off such a clever ruse to date.
In view of your vulnerability to the elements, Daniel, maybe you should stick to the scripted word?
Johann Wolfgang once pined,
"Behavior is a mirror in which every one displays his image."