In Barack Obama's recent autobiography, he allegedly recalls the days of his youth on campus at Occidental and - lo and behold - his first "Black Experience".
Say, what?
Just what does he mean exactly?
A little rappin' in the hood? Or maybe it just amounts to...a handful of rousing Gospel moments at the local House of Worship, with the Brothers and the Sisters, in tow?
Maybe, it means just kickin' back in a sloppy undershirt and jeans, under a ripe old moon, chomping on some grits, fried chicken, and black-eyed peas?
I'm baffled...
So, with a nod and a grin to Mort's Delicatessen in San Francisco (Post; 02/17/08), I am offering a tasty bag of fresh chocolate chip cookies to the person who can best describe in - "colorful, insightful, and glorious detail" - just what, pray tell, a "Black Experience" is.
Contest Rules: be authentic!
Enthusiastic participants may either post 'em here or e mail 'em privately to: