After the sweeping win over the weekend, polls indicate that Barack Obama has the power of the 3 M's behind him - Men, Minorities, and Moderates.
In fact, if the election were held today, Obama would squeak by McCain by a couple of percentage points, according to weekend polls.
In fact, the recent take on voter trends, indicates that a large percentage of white men prefer to cast their ballot Obama's way.
And, Obama has a wider appeal by a spread of at least nine points, with younger men.
Hillary loses out, by all accounts, if only by a fraction.
"Many men are reluctant to vote for a woman," one pundit opined, after reviewing the tallies.
Yup, it's okay for Ma or the wife to micro-manage the budget in the family household, but a few men appear to be reticent about the idea of a woman running the "White House" in much the same way.
Interestingly, male voters are not getting out to the poles as much as their counterparts, according to reliable sources.
Disgusted with the fact there is no Dem to vote for, other than Barack or Hillary?
In contrast, women are scurrying to the polling stations en masse in record numbers.
Well, now that the racial issues have been squared away - widely duked out in the media - it appears that the battle of the sexes is predominantly underway big time.
I wonder, is this causing any strain in bedrooms around the Nation, at night?
Sleep tight, hang loose, and sweet dreams America.
Soon, there will be a spanking new President in the Oval Office on Pennsylvania Avenue - black, white, female - whomever.
Hail to the Chief!