On the red carpet on Oscar Night, Billy Bush of Access Hollywood managed to snatch Heidi Klum out from under the clutches of competing newsies nearby, who were circling in for the kill...
The stunning designer dress, and the fabulous "do", were obviously a facade, 'cause when she opened her yap, her total image went amok, flew south...if you know what I mean.
Kind of a mind-shattering moment of truth, ya know?
For instance, when the cutesy media reporter noted that actor George Clooney (standing in back of the dynamic duo) was capable of filling the shoes of "Gorgeous George", her face screwed up a little at first - at which point - she quipped,
"Well, if he was dipped in Chocolate, perhaps."
In the future, just stand there, Heidi; witty doesn't work for you. In fact, the whole English language thing may be a good idea to avoid altogether, as well.
If anything, you've managed to revive the whole concept of the bodacious blond bimbo babe to perfection!
Hello, anyone home?
Klum in a skitzo moment?