Aretha Franklin...Divas clash! Sour notes amid cries of dis-R.E.S.P.E.C.T!

Lordie, that scrawny little songbird said what?

Either Aretha Franklin is paranoid or she's under the mistaken impression that all the stars in the firmament orbit around her global figure.

A case in point.

After Beyonce called her duet partner Tina Turner "the Queen" on Sunday evening's Grammy Award Show - the celebrated chanteuse not only threw a hissy fit - but allegedly issued a press release about the slight to boot.

Had that young upstart Beyonce lost her musical senses?

In a nutshell, Ms. Franklin not only felt "disrespected", but surmised there was a plot underfoot to topple her from her throne!

"I am not sure of whose toes I may have stepped on or whose ego I may have bruised between the Grammy writers and Beyonce," the hefty vocalist lamented to startled guests backstage.

Well, she's not very adept at the English language, for starters; but, we get the drift.

The moody Diva proceeded to opine that the whole fiasco was a sinister plot - "a cheap shot" - to stir up controversy.

It wasn't one, until you opened your pie hole, Ms. Franklin!

Aretha - did you ever consider the possibility that Beyonce acted innocently - that the comment slipped out in the sheer excitement of the moment?

Notwithstanding, why should she kow-tow to you?

Gosh, your ego is bigger than your record sales; and that's sayin' somethin'.

You're angry?

As Jay Leno quipped on the Tonight Show:

"She's mad? Elton John is furious!"

Elton John, Queen Supreme?

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