Natalie Cole lashed out at Amy Winehouse and the Grammy Officials who voted the "Rehab" warbler a handful of Awards this past weekend.
"I don't think she should have won," Ms. Cole lamented at a press conference after the high-energy extravaganza came to a close Sunday evening.
Miss Cole allegedly sniped to anyone within earshot,
"I think it sends a bad message to our young people who are trying to get into the business, the ones who are trying to do it right and really trying to keep themselves together. We have to stop rewarding bad behavior."
If anyone is acting out-of-line, it's you, Ms. Cole.
Natalie, the awards are given to artists for their musical talent, not for their behavior - on stage, or off.
Notwithstanding, for your information...throughout history, artists have been known to struggle with private demons.
In fact, many of the troubling encounters have not only resulted in self-discovery on occasion, but - more-often-than-not - fueled the creative muse, as well.
Your goody two-shoes attitude is not only misguided, but laughable at best.