Levitra...disclaimer may pump up sales!

Vicerex touts rock-hard - er - expression...

First - there was Viagra - a nifty pharmaceutical designed to help rouse a limp "Johnson".

Yeah, it's a friendly pecker-upper, alright. Any adventurous guy who's stepped up the bat can attest to that!

But - few sexually-savvy guys are familiar with the ins-'n-outs of the drug- or how it functions for instance.

Essentially, Viagra relaxes muscles and increases blood flow to vital physical parts of the body - to the male organ, in particular - where it packs a mighty wallop!

When Viagra was first introduced consumers often neglected to check the warning label - so, on occasion - a handful of horny guys with blue ba**s ended up in "emergency" after inadvertently combining the lethal arousal-drug with "poppers" - a well-known sex stimulant - with near-fatal results.

The manufacturer specifically notes that Viagra should not be taken if an individual is using a nitrate drug (poppers) for chest pain or heart problems. This includes nitroglycerin (Nitrostat, Nitrolingual, Nitro-Dur, Nitro-Bid, and others), isosorbide dinitrate (Dilatrate-SR, Isordil, Sorbitrate), and isosorbide mononitrate (Imdur, ISMO, Monoket).

Because Nitrates are found in recreational drugs such as amyl nitrate or nitrite ("poppers")taking Viagra with the sexually-oriented party favor can cause a serious decrease in blood pressure which may lead to fainting, a stroke, or heart attack.

During sexual activity - if a person becomes dizzy or nauseated, or has pain, numbness, or tingling in their chest, arms, neck, or jaw - they should bow out of the ardent lovemaking (before they fall out) and call a physician right away.

A number of smart active men have been leaning on the side of caution, though. Many are either inclined to avoid poppers altogether or have turned to natural herbal methods which tout a pill that gives rock-hard erections without the potent dangerous side-effects of Viagra.

Products like Vicerex, for instance. A curious root word for an enhancer, eh?

Maybe that's the appeal. After all, men like to be naughty, don't they?

Just ask that Governor in the news lately over his clandestine activities back east!

The makers of Vicerex use a potent formula with a primary base ingredient of Euricoma Longifolia also known as long jack or Tongkat Ali. It is a legendary scientifically proven effective herbal aphrodisiac and testosterone booster. And, is quickly becoming a best seller in the western world, according to the manufacturer.

The ads issue a stern warning, though.

"This product may produce intense sexual arousal, a spontaneous erection, and a sudden urge for sex!"

Maybe you shouldn't ingest Vicerex before heading out to the supermarket - otherwise - you may end up fondling the melons in the produce section. Not wise to pop one in the mouth prior to an early romp in the hay Sunday morning just before attendng Church, either. Who knows what's bound to occur during confession when that openly-gay priest lays his hands on.

What a relief!

If things go awry sexually, there is a thirty-day money-back guarantee.

Imagine that!

You can take a shot at thirty days of erotic pleasure, then get your moolah back (not mojo, silly) with no strings attached. Just what every smooth-talking stud pines to hear!

And, because there has been a "discreet" billing on credit-card statements, none (not even the missus, if you have one) will be the wiser.

The product may be returned in the same plain wrapper it surreptitiously arrived in without even the postman fathoming what you've been up to!

However, there is another product on the market for the discerning male to consider.

You've seen the ads. A confident male strolls arm-in-arm with a bodacious babe at the beach at sunset sure he'll be able to spring into action when the moment of truth arrives without gravity weighing him down. And, keen on the idea that his sexual prowess will be redefined in advancing years.

Even the disclaimer is bound to bolster sales.

At the end of the commercial a soft-spoken voice notes,

"If you experience an erection for more than four hours contact your doctor immediately."

You betcha, to refill the prescription, pronto!

At Levitra web site, males may sign up for info...

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