Bill Clinton...pain in butt?

They're right...she does have a big a**.

The media has been trying to pin down Obama on potential running mates for the upcoming election.

But, he's been a bit coy with the press. And, determined not to overstep himself in these precarious political times.

In spite of the fact it's obvious someone in the wings will have to reach out with a hook, and yank Mrs. Clinton off the world stage kickin' and screamin' at the appropriate nod, Obama has been quite a gentleman about it - biding his time patiently.

Is the nomination in the bag yet?

Not if Hillary would have her druthers.

On the subject of choosing an individual for the Vice Presidential ticket, one reporter pointedly asked Obama,

"Will you be willing to consider everyone a possible running mate, even if his or her spouse is a pain in the butt?"

A veiled reference to slick Willy?

After a roar from the crowd, and a moment to collect his thoughts, Barack was inclined to note for the record that one of his heroes - Abraham Lincoln - often filled positions with rivals, so why not?

That old familiar saying comes to mind,

"Keep your friends near, but your enemies closer."

If that's the route he goes, the man must be a masochist.

If you ask me, jousting with Hillary in the White House would amount to utter he**.

Personally, I wouldn't tempt fate by sipping any beverage or munching on any delectable goody she brought to the Oval Office around afternoon tea, either.

Barack, beware of Greeks who bear gifts...

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