Bribes, no thanks! Commercial-free zone.

As I queued up for the screening of "Forbidden Planet" the other night, an acquaintance in the biz sidled up to me, and offered to pay for my ticket if I would mention his new project on my "blog".

Well, needless to say, I was flabbergasted!

While it was flattering - in an odd-ball (twisted) sort-of way - to imagine that a mention on my blog might bolster the stature of his event, my immediate response was - no way, Jose!

Because, that is not how my "blog" works.

Usually, I wake up in the middle of the night with an idea for a post - at which point - I scramble out of bed to scribble down a handful of notes before the musing fades away into the ether and I slip back into slumberland.

On occasion, an article in the morning newspaper may trigger an idea, too.

A simple stroll down the street may also conjure up a premise for a social commentary; while a trend at a local store may stir up some insight ripe for reporting.

For the most part, I am inspired to gab about art-house movies, stimulating exhibits, or a multitude of other entertaining and/or thought-provoking events that may be of interest to my readers.

It should be obvious to most - in view of the lack of ads on my blog - that I attempt to provide a commercial-free zone where minds can meet...untainted by crass sales pitches!

In fact, my blog is not unlike a rich media canvas, where I unveil my latest art piece each day, if I can fathom one up - that is!

Essentially, "The Tattler" is a journal of my day-to-day existence on this mortal coil.

Why should I sully such a sacred place by taking a bribe?

As Edward Coke once said:

"Though the bribe be small, yet the fault is great."

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